
Saturday, July 31, 2004

Major Richard Skelton's Journal, Issue 7 

31st of June through 1st of July, 1814 A.D.
On the good news front, I find that I am still alive today.

As far as bad news goes, I am a wanted fugitive from the most powerful trading company in Caribdus, my former employers, am likely thought to be a villain and a murderer, and find myself on a ship whose means of income(privateering) is now less than viable. And there are likely privateers hunting us as of this moment. And there isn't a drop of decent scotch on board the entire ship, to make matters worse.

After we were taken by the Baltimus House Guard, we were left alone in a cell for some time, before the Captain of their house guard came and interrogated us one by one. He seemed a seasoned veteran, but thankfully I didn't have to do much by way of acting to come across as drunk, confused, and utterly useless as a witness. It's not like there was any story we could tell that would exonerate us, anyways.

Then our good friend Lasenby finally came to talk to us, accompanied by our Capt'n Pete. Lasenby seemed legitimately saddened by the whole affair, and needless to say, it puts him in an awkward position. Aquillikae offered to confess to the crime, and hopefully see that the rest of us were spared. Lasenby accepted the offer, but not without a good deal of lamenting. If only he would have let himself believe it was a Kieran spy. So we were retired to our cells, anticipating that in the morning a short trial would ensue, and we'd see Aquillikae swing within the week. I swore to the noble Kracken that his sacrifice would not be for nothing, and that I would continue his quest to free the world of Caribdus of its curse, should it cost me my life...or more.

Fortune would not have it so. A rather amazing black-clad individual appeared in the dungeon in the middle of the night, having incapacitated all the guards with drugs. He said that "Manny" had sent him, and that he had been paid well. I dare say whatever fee he was paid was worth it. He rescued myself and the Frenchman, but Aquillikae refused to come along, as he had sworn on his honour not to escape. Having sworn on my honour to see the Sea Hags defeated, and knowing I would need Aquillikae for the task, I did my duty and proceeded to bludgeon my friend into unconsciousness and drag him out of the dungeon. We were all aboard ship by morning, and escape the harbour, despite a few fortress fired cannon balls scraping the deck. We were off and sailing...for Brigandy Bay.

2nd of August
Still sailing for Brigandy Bay. No signs of pursuit yet. Still no decent scotch on board.

6th of August
We arrived in Brigandy Bay today. Thankfully, none of the cut throats recognized us as former privateers. We spent some time shopping, and Aquillikae was approached and offered a traveler's journal for a small sum. Well, a boring account for the most part...Except where it recounts the unfortunate author's meeting with Blackbeard, the infamous pirate...and mentions the fact that Blackbeard considers the Sea Hags to be his mistresses, and that they are responsible for his undead state... Very interesting to say the least. The journal deserves further and extensive study.

Out of a livelihood and with too much honour for piracy, we turn to salvage...and the Floatsom Sea. With luck, we'll also find some water from Earth...

7th of August
Sailing for the Floatsom Sea. Smooth sailing, good weather. But we forgot to get some decent scotch in Brigandy Bay.

9th of August
Reached the Floatsom Sea. We investigated some wrecks, but found nothing but useless junk.

10th of August
Still cruising the Floatsom Sea. Nothing of interest today. There's some commotion aboard decks now by the sounds of it though. I suppose I shall wander above decks and investigate what the fuss is...

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Major Richard Skelton's Journal, Issue 6 

30th of June, 1814 A.D.
Pete revealed the details of this proposal to us...  This man wants us to kill Bruno Baltimus, whom he accuses of numerous atrocities, including inflicting a fate worse than death upon his daughter.  In return for this act of justice, he will give us invitations to Bruno's party so that we might get close to the man and assassinate him...and he will also give us the magic sword, Verselus.  I am uncomfortable about cold blooded murder, to put it lightly.  The others seem much more enthusiastic, especially the damnable Frenchman.  Asking around about Bruno did, however, seem to confirm the man's horrendous character.  It was finally settled that if the Frenchman could discretely kill Bruno, he would...but always remembering that our first priority was to get the names of the Sea Hags.

"I have too much honour.  I would rather stab him in the back."

31st of June
This may well be my last entry, as by this time tomorrow I could very well be swinging at the end of a hangman's rope.

We were admitted to the party - myself being the primary invitee, the Frenchman as my rakish friend, and Aquillikae as our Kracken marine captain and guard.  The party itself went famously - the Masaquani were easily impressed by tales of my exploits in the jungles of India, and telling the tale of the Mermaids of the Crystal reef ensured my reputation amongst them.  I managed to befriend Bruno, and we were all invited by him to a private party.

We continued making quite the impression at the private party, having brought gifts of opium and wine.  I tried to discreetly inquire with Bruno about the Sea Hags, and his family in general.  I managed to get into the man's confidences, and soon enough he was treating me as a trusted friend.  I convinced him to show me his father's journal...

The Four Sea Hags were named Mala, Maka, Mana and Mara Mallus.  Yes, four.  Mara Mallus was killed by the other three during their imprisonment before their execution.  As for Bruno Baltimus' father - he seemed guilty of no sins greater than cowardice.  He believed he could have saved the king if he had acted where instead he stood still.

I read through the journal, and as myself and Bruno prepared to leave his private quarters to head back to the party, the Frenchman struck from the shadows, wielding Bruno's own dagger which he had earlier dropped in one of his drunken rambles.  He gravely injured Bruno in the first strike, but did not manage to kill him.  I watched Bruno fall to the ground, gasping for my aid, his newest "Friend".  Bruno yelled, and Aquillikae entered in quickly with one of the party-goers, who he then declared to be the assassin.  As the room crowded with partiers and guardsman, Bruno was not yet dead...I killed him with my bare hands while pretending to heal him...

They did not buy Aquillikae's story.  The guards escorted us off, and it would not surprise me at all if we were all set to swing shortly.  I do not think it would be just if we did not.  May God have mercy on our souls.

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